The traditional systems of control refers to quantitative and financial measures. Non-financial indicators refer to some non-monetary quantitative measures (for i.: market share,% of rejects, "time to market", etc..) and they can be divided into two main categories:
Indicators of current performance: take the quality of current projects (time, productivity, flexibility, environmental compatibility, etc..)
Resource status indicators: detect the potential of resources to generate quality products in the future (financial, technological, human resources, image).
Designed by R.S. Kaplan and D.P. Norton, the Balanced Scorecard provides that each organizational unit are associated with four groups of indicators. The choice of specific indicators must be derived from the analysis of its vision and identification of its strategy; so it provides support to the identification of all the indicators, also ensuring a good "covering", particularly those that determine value creation.
Easy Scorecard ® is a software that develops the new method offering an extensive list of indicators related to the economic and financial trend, to the process efficiency, the quality, the market perspectives, to the costs and the performance customer-oriented, etc..
With this tool you can translate business strategy into action and define the objectives and methods of budget control, process costs, planning and forecasting performance.
Easy Scorecard ® is also adaptable to different companies situations. The installation program includes, if required, the interface with existing information systems and a phase of analysis and coaching to define the indicators to be included in each of four sections.